About Us
Movember Conversations is designed to give you the skills to handle tough conversations with the men in your life.

The past couple of years have been turbulent times, no doubt about it. We all faced many challenges and some of us still are feeling the effects of it. Maintaining relationships, communicating and connecting are more important now than ever.

Even if it feels a bit awkward, we need to check in on our friends, family and partners – especially if we know someone who might be struggling. It can be hard to always know where to start or what to say. That’s where Movember Conversations comes in.

Developed by mental health experts and funded by Movember,  Movember Conversations is an online tool for those who want to feel more confident and informed when navigating an important conversation with a man in their life who might be struggling. Movember Conversations  guides you through typical scenarios, walking through the kind of conversational prompts and responses that help to open up a conversation and keep it flowing meaningfully.

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Is Movember Conversations for men only?

Not at all. But research tells us that despite the stereotype, more and more men are reaching out for help and that when they do, it often misses the mark. We’re not the best at picking up on warning signs of distress from the men in our lives, and we don’t always know what to say or do if they try and open up to us. We can’t just tell men to share with us if we’re not ready to listen. So, while Movember Conversations was built with the aim of helping us have important chats with men, it’s a tool for all their parents, partners, and friends regardless of gender. Men’s mental health is one of Movember’s key focus areas, and our research and collaboration with mental health experts over many years has informed the development of  Movember Conversations.

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Can a conversation really change anything?

It’s not always easy starting a conversation with a friend about relationship issues, job loss, fatherhood-related anxiety, financial stress, or mental health issues. It’s hard to know where to start or what to say. And so, Movember Conversations has been designed to give us the confidence and skills to approach an important conversation.

Reaching out to our friends, and not shying away from important conversations is key to helping men stay mentally healthy. It’s also crucial in building and maintaining strong social connections and empowering men to take action early when times are tough.

More on Movember

Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health. We look at mental health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion. When it comes to helping men to open up, we know what works – and what doesn’t.

Learn more about Movember

Huge thanks to R U OK? for creating the ALEC guide featured as part of Movember Conversations.

Subject matter and clinical review was provided by the following international experts:

Dr. Ingrid Cranston
Senior Clinical Psychologist

Dr. David H. Demmer
Senior Clinical Psychologist

Prof. Mark Dadds
University of Sydney

Prof. David Gunnell
University of Bristol

Dr. Peter Levesque
Member of Movember's Global Advisory Committee

Dr. Zac Seidler
Director of Mental Health Training, Movember

Movember Conversations is regularly reviewed by our qualified subject matter experts to ensure accuracy and alignment with the latest clinical evidence.

The content on this website is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from an appropriately qualified health care professional, who can determine your individual needs.

© 2024 Movember. All rights reserved.